Ever wondered if someone can tell you’ve checked out their Instagram profile? The answer, in short, is no—they can’t.
Instagram keeps it private if you’re casually scrolling through someone’s posts, reels, or profile without engaging with them.
Only specific interactions can alert another user to your presence. Let’s explore what actions are visible to others on Instagram to help you stay under the radar!
Can Someone Tell If I Look at Their Instagram?

No! Instagram doesn’t notify anyone when you view their profile, posts, or reels. You’re free to browse someone’s feed or check out their bio without them knowing.
The only exception is Stories—if you view a Story, your username will appear on their viewer list while it’s live. But other than that, your profile visits are completely private.
If you’re wary of accidentally notifying someone, the key is simply to avoid interactions like likes, comments, or watching Stories.
Privacy Tips for Instagram Users
Instagram’s settings offer options to keep your online presence private. Here are a few helpful steps:
Go Private: Switching to a private account lets only approved followers see your content. You’ll have more control over who views your posts.

Avoid Story Views: If you don’t want someone to know you’ve seen their Story, simply don’t view it.

Limit Visible Interactions: Public actions like likes, comments, and follows are visible, so interact selectively.

Will Someone Know If I Screenshot Their Story?
No worries here—Instagram doesn’t notify users if you screenshot their Stories, posts, or profiles. Feel free to save those travel pics for inspiration! The exception is with disappearing photos and videos sent in DMs, where a screenshot will notify the sender.
Can Someone Tell If I Look at Their Instagram FAQs
How to Hide Your Active Status on Instagram
If you prefer to appear offline, go to your profile settings and turn off “Show Activity Status.” This will keep others from seeing when you’re online.
Does Instagram Notify When You Screenshot a Story?
For regular posts and Stories, no. But for disappearing photos and videos in DMs, yes—a notification is sent.
Where Can I Find Advanced Settings?
While Instagram doesn’t have a specific “Advanced Settings” menu, you can find various privacy and notification settings under “Account” and “Privacy” sections.
How to Print Instagram Photos
To print a photo, open it, save it to your gallery, then print from your phone’s photos app. It’s a simple workaround!
Can someone see if I look at their Instagram profile?
No, they won’t know if you’re just viewing their profile or posts. Instagram doesn’t notify users about profile visits, so feel free to browse without worry!
If I like their Instagram posts? Will they see that?
Yes, they’ll get a notification that you liked it. Likes are public, so they’ll know you gave it a thumbs-up.
What happens if I leave a comment on an Instagram post?
They’ll definitely see it. Comments are public and show your username, so everyone, including the person who posted it, will know you commented.
Will someone know if I viewed their Instagram Story?
Yep! Your username appears on their Story viewers list, so they’ll know you watched. But Instagram won’t notify them if you take a screenshot of their Story.
Can someone tell if I save their Instagram post?
Nope, not at all. Saved posts are private, so only you’ll know what you’ve saved.