
Where did the phrase 'Thank god it's Friday' come from?

por Jon Peterson en Oct 17, 2024

Where did the phrase 'Thank god it's Friday' come from?

Do you ever find yourself feeling relieved by the sound of the words “Thank god it’s Friday” at the end of a long week? We all know the relief of having a weekend upon us to look forward to, and the Friday tradition of celebrating the end of the working week. But where did the phrase “Thank god it’s Friday” come from? Its origin dates back several decades, when it first gained traction as a popular phrase in the mid-1970s.

Over the past forty years it has gone on to become a globally recognized expression and a symbolic reminder of the end of the working week. But what do we really know about the origins of “Thank god it’s Friday” and how has the phrase evolved over time? In this article, we’ll explore the origins, evolution, and impact of this memorable phrase and its associated culture.

Where did the phrase 'Thank god it's Friday' come from?

Thank god it's Friday. It's a phrase often uttered with a sense of relief—knowing that the tiresome week has come to an end and the blissful weekend lies ahead. But where did the phrase originate?

The earliest recording that relates to 'Thank god it's Friday' can be found in a book by Edgar Watson Howe from 1923. The novel was titled 'Country Town Sayings' and the phrase comes from the poem "Happy Days". In this poem the narrator expresses their joy at the weekend arriving with the line "Thank God it's Saturday".

The phrase didn't start being used on a widespread level until decades later in the early 70s. It was during this period of time that it's true famous status was established. A 1975 record "Thank God It's Friday" by the popular 70s disco band, Love and Kisses reached the top 50 in the UK charts. It brought the phrase to the lips of the masses and it is here that it truly took off.

Since then, the phrase ‘Thank god it’s Friday’ has become a regular feature of Western culture, reminding us of the sweet anticipation as the long week draws to an end. It’s an expression of joy and liberation, as we look forward to precious time spent with family and friends, enjoying our freedom from work and responsibility.

Why do people use 'Thank god it's Friday'?

For those of us who have a 9-5 job, the end of the week can't come soon enough - a reward for weeks of hard work and routine. So, when Friday rolls around, it's only natural to be filled with a particular kind of joy, perhaps best expressed with the beloved phrase, "Thank God It's Friday!"

Where exactly did this phrase come from, and why has it become so popular? It's hard to say exactly, but some people think the phrase most likely connected to the 1987 movie of the same name, which highlighted the longing that many people have to break away from the monotony of the weekday grind.

Whatever the origin might be, one thing is certain - when you exclaim "Thank God It's Friday!" you're usually indicating an intense sense of relief and contentment. After a long week of commitments and duties, Fridays bring a feeling of liberation and a look forward to making the most of the rest of the weekend.

So, the next time you welcome the weekend with a "Thank God It's Friday", join the millions of people around the world who understand the joyful sentiment of the phrase and are thankful for a well deserved break from the everyday.

How do you say 'Thank god it's Friday'?

As it's the end of the workweek, you may find yourself expressing gratitude that it's Friday with the popular phrase: "Thank god it's Friday!" You can use this phrase to share your excitement or relief as the weekend approaches, making sure to say it with enthusiasm to get your friends in the mood for a good time.

From a simple "TGIF" to a longer version of the phrase, there are tons of different ways to express your appreciation for the start of the weekend.

To get the party started, you may come up with your own version of the phrase: perhaps incorporating rhyming words or a pun creating a unique expression of your sentiment. You can also get creative by using a mix of words to create a funny phrase, like "Oh Glory be, it's Friday!" or "Yes indeed-y, it's Friday!"

Another way to say it is in a song, as many popular tunes have incorporated the phrase in their lyrics, from "Thank God It's Friday" by Cool Reunion to "Friday I'm in Love" by The Cure! Discover your favorite ways to say "Thank god it's Friday" and make sure to share them over the weekend with your friends and family, so everyone can have a great time.

Is it correct to say 'Thank god it's Friday'?

There is no denying that the phrase, "Thank God it's Friday," has been popularized over the decades, and if you’re someone who finds glee in the end of the workweek and the anticipation for play, you know the joy of uttering that beloved utterance.

But have you ever wondered just where the phrase came from and if it’s correct to thank God for it?

First of all, it is technically correct to say "Thank God it's Friday," as it is expressing thanks to a personal deity. Whether or not one's statement of thankfulness is understood, accepted, or affirmed is a personal matter between one’s beliefs and the higher power involved.

The phrase was first popularized by a Chicago DJ in the 1970s, Peggy Layton, who coined it for the Friday afternoon drive-time show on the radio station WLS. Peggy was heard by those in the city and suburban areas of the greater Chicago area and the phrase caught on like dry kindling out of control.

Ultimately, the phrase carries a lot of emotion and passion for a lot of people; it’s the end of a long work week and the start of a much awaited weekend. Fun times, friends, and family are at the core of why the phrase has survived, and is still uttered far and wide to this day, “Thank God it’s Friday!”

What is the meaning of 'Thank god it's Friday'?

The phrase "Thank God It's Friday" (often abbreviated to TGIF) is a highly recognizable expression of relief and joy after a week of typically demanding work. It is a universally-known concept, indicating to one and all that the weekend — and all the fun that comes with it — is just around the corner.

The phrase itself has been around since the 1950s, being popularized in the United States and eventually gaining traction throughout the world. It has become a much-loved phrase associated with having fun, relaxation, and good times as one looks forward to the weekend.

At its core, it is an expression of happiness and relief that the working week has passed, and the joy of knowing that the weekend is here. It is an acknowledgement of the difficulties of the typical work week, how long and tiring it can be, and an appreciation for the upcoming break where one can rest and enjoy themselves.

It is a phrase which celebrates the end of one hard-earned week, and looks forward to the beginning of another. It may also indicate the hope for a special weekend, perhaps with friends, family, or a well-deserved solo break.

This short phrase is a testament to the importance of having fun, taking time off, and cherishing the moments of joy which life has to offer. So take a moment to appreciate the TGIF spirit in all its glory, and may our Fridays forever be a happy and memorable way to start the weekend!

When do people use 'Thank god it's Friday'?

The phrase “Thank god it’s Friday” is almost universally recognized - Something uttered joyfully by many as the last day of the work week draws to a close. But where did the phrase come from, exactly?

Most likely, the phrase’s origin owes itself to the popular United Artists movie of the same name released in 1980. The film follows the misadventures of several young working adults as they navigate the times after college and into the world of adulthood.

The movie became an instant classic that spawned a veritable cottage industry and caught on as an oft-used phrase.

However, its presence in the public domain and popular culture can likely be attributed to its relation to the phrase “TGIF” (Thank God It’s Friday). This saying, although never explicitly stated or shown in the movie, became a popular tagline in its advertising.

Generally speaking, “Thank god it’s Friday” is uttered in a jovial manner to the end of the workweek - a sense of elated relief that the workweek has at last come to a close. It suggests freedom from the daily grind and of a delayed upcoming weekend full of possibility.

Friends, colleagues, and family members often send the phrase around in glee, especially on Fridays. People tend to use it on social media too, as a way to relate and commiserate with one another.

At the very heart of it all, “Thank god it’s Friday” is a celebratory phrase with a long and storied history, especially in the world of movie-making and popular culture. It’s a call to arms to finally crack open a cold one and soak in the collective delight that the weekend is nigh.

Who mostly uses the phrase 'Thank god it's Friday'?

The phrase 'Thank God It's Friday' (TGIF) instantly evokes a feeling of celebration for the start of the weekend. TGIF is often associated with young people, workers and students desperately looking forward to the end of the week, wishing the work day away.

Young people, looking for their next opportunity to hang out with friends and party, are the first to cry 'TGIF'. There is nothing quite like the Friday feeling for them - the anticipation of the fun-filled weekend that lies ahead, a moment to get away from their studies and just relax.

For a worker, TGIF means the end of the work week and more chances to spend time with family, have a well deserved rest, or put feet up and enjoy a movie. 60 often tedious hours at the office can come crashing to a welcome end with that magical phrase 'Thank God It's Friday'.

No matter who utters them, those three words stand for a moment of escapism and joyous elation. They can open the door to adventure and excitement, whether it be a party of revelry, a family dinner, or just a lazy night in reclining on the couch. In this way, TGIF is a universal expression that brings people together and marks the start of the weekend.

In conclusion, the phrase 'Thank God It's Friday' has become a staple of American work and school life for many generations. As it turns out, its origins can be traced back to a radio show in the late 1950s that popularized the oft-repeated phrase.

To this day, it still continues to spread joy to millions of people on the last day of the work-week and helps to bring people together for a common cause: the weekend. Whether you’re sending your friends a TGIF text or clinking your beer-glasses around the dinner table, 'Thank God It's Friday' will always let you know that it’s time to enjoy the moment and let loose.
