
“I already missed you,” and “I already miss you” - Which sentence is correct

by Jon Peterson on Oct 17, 2024

“I already missed you,” and “I already miss you” - Which sentence is correct

“I already missed you,” and “I already miss you” if I am telling my wife that I am missing her?

Have you experienced that feeling when you want to say something but you feel that something is wrong with your grammar? Probably you have experienced it several times already and still experiencing it until today. We understand that feeling and nobody is really perfect with their grammar; there are times that our sentence grammar is not perfect.

And now that you’ve come to this post, you are probably having a hard time to think which is the best grammar you can use when you personally want to express your feelings to your wife, specifically how much you miss her.

Regardless whether you have a long distance relationship with your wife or she is just having a vacation, this post would be good and would be a big help for you especially if you are having a hard time correcting your grammar.

Are you ready? Be sure to take down some notes especially with the tips that we will be sharing to you when it comes to constructing a correct grammar sentence.

Without further ado, let us begin!

How do you use “miss” and “missed” in a sentence?

Before we proceed to which of the two is more grammatically correct, let us first discuss how you use “miss” and “missed” in a sentence; when is the right time to use these two words and how to use it properly. The difference between these two cannot be determined by other people, making it a common mistake in someone’s grammar.

So, let us first discuss how you can use “miss” in a correct and proper way. If you are telling or expressing to someone how much you miss him/her in a current time or basically right now, the word “miss” is the perfect tense you can use.

Just like for example, you miss your mom right now and you wanted to express it to her just by basically telling her that you miss you. So, the perfect way on how you can use the word “miss” in this situation can be like this: “I miss you, mom! I hope to see you soon.” basically just like that.

Meanwhile for the “missed”, you should use this in your sentence if you fail to meet somebody at an event or it can also be said you no longer miss that person because maybe you have already met or had some catch up with each other.

So, for example, you went to a birthday party and you weren't able to meet your friend because she just left the party before you arrived. In a situation like this, you can tell your friend that “I missed you last night because you went home early.”

On the other hand, in a situation where you are already with your friend and you are already having some quality time but you still want to express to him/her how much you missed her (before you meet). You can say “I really missed you! It’s been a long time.”

Again, the word “miss” can be used when you want to express how much you miss someone in that current time. Meaning, you are still feeling that you miss him or her. While for the “missed”, it can be used when you just simply want to express your feelings towards someone on how much you missed him/her while already having a quality time together. Meaning, you don’t miss that person already because basically, you guys are together already.

“I already missed you” or “I already miss you”, which is correct?

Now that you already have an idea on how you can properly use the word “miss” and “missed”, maybe by this time, you have an idea as well which of these is more grammatically correct especially when you are planning to say it to your wife.

To simply answer this, the phrase “I already miss you” is the one that is more grammatically correct and more appropriate to tell your wife when you are currently missing her. Why? Because basically, the phrase “I already missed you” is referring to some point in the past.

So, if you are torn between these two because you might find it complicated, I would like to tell you that the “I already miss you” is the one that would be the perfect phrase to tell your wife and not that with the word “missed”.

You just only need to remember that when you will be using the word “miss” it is referring to the present action or tense. In other words, you can use this when you are separated from someone to whom you would like to express how much you miss him or her.

And for the word “missed”, just need to remember that it is perfect to use when you are already together with the person to whom you would like to express your feelings. Again, as I’ve mentioned earlier, this word is referring to the past action and tense. So, it won’t be really appropriate to use this one if you are going to tell your wife you are currently missing her.

What is correct: I miss or missed?

If you are still unsure on which of these is correct, let me tell you that these two are actually correct and can be used in a sentence. Nothing of these two is wrong, as long as you will be utilizing it correctly in a sentence.

The only difference between these two is the use of their tense. The first “miss” is in present tense while second “missed” is in past tense.

Again, you can use the word “miss” when you want to show or express it is a state you’re in or something you always feel about that person. While for the word “missed”, you can use it when that action happened in the past. At that time in the past, maybe the previous days you felt that way.

So, always be careful in using these two since it can greatly affect how you will deliver your message to someone.

How do you say I miss you without sounding desperate?

And since you have already come to this post, why not talk about how you can say you miss someone without actually saying it or without sounding desperate? We know that some of you who are reading this are not really good at expressing their feelings towards the people.

If you want to learn about the the different ways on how you can you miss someone without sounding desperate, keep reading this:

1. “I can’t stop thinking about you.”

Instead of simply saying “I miss you” why don’t you give it a try to say this phrase instead? Not only is it more cheesy and sweet to hear or read, but it could also be a good way to express to someone how much you miss him or her if you just don’t want to directly tell them that you miss him or her.

2. “I wish you were here.”

Another good way to express your loneliness with someone is this phrase. This could be a good sign to tell someone that you badly miss him or her and you already want to see and touch them.

3. “I can’t wait to see you again.”

And the last one is this not-so-new yet very sweet and cheesy line to express how much you miss someone. This one is perfect for those who don’t want to just directly tell someone “I miss you” but also want to give some hint that you are also missing having a quality time together.

Final Thoughts

Being able to express how much you miss someone is a good thing, regardless of whether you have a good grammar or not-so-perfect grammar. But, remember that sometimes the choice of your word could greatly affect your message to that person.

Notably in the phrase “I already missed you” and “I already miss you” because if you want to tell to somebody that you are currently missing him or her but you said that “I already missed you”, the person to whom you will be telling it could think that you are just expressing how much you missed her during the previous days and not on the present time.

Thus, if you are not good at expressing your feelings towards other people, especially if you don't want to literally and directly tell him or her that you miss him or her, there are lots of alternative ways on how you can tell it to them but not literally–just like on what we’ve listed above.

Overall, we hope you had a great time reading this post and were able to get new information regarding the topic that we’ve discussed. By the time you finish reading this post, we hope you have already sent or told your wife how much you miss her.