
How To Love Reading Books (Without Forcing Yourself)

by Helen Ng on Oct 17, 2024

How To Love Reading Books (Without Forcing Yourself)

Do you find it difficult to read a book?

If so, you need to find out how you can motivate yourself to read a book. Fortunately, there are a few ways in which you can do so.

Today, I will help you understand how to motivate yourself to read a book. Once you go through the article below, it will become easier for you to understand the technique and tips you can follow and avoid boredom while reading.

How to motivate yourself to read a book?

• Change your viewpoint.

• Make reading a habit

• Read the topics you love.

• Set a goal.

• Understand more context regarding the topic before taking up a book.

I will go into the details of all the steps below. Before that, however, it is essential to understand why you find it so difficult to motivate yourself to read the book.

Why can’t you motivate yourself to read books?

You can’t motivate yourself to read books because you’re not using the right technique to do so. In the absence of the right techniques, it can become monotonous and seem like a huge task.

Once you execute the techniques, which I will highlight below, it will become easy for you to motivate yourself to read books.

5 tips on how to read books with joy, without forcing yourself

Wondering about the tips and tricks which you can use?

If so, I will share with you 5 tips on how to read a book with joy. Once you execute these tips, it will become easy for you to read books without forcing yourself.

1. Change your viewpoint

The first tip you can follow to enjoy reading is changing your perspective or your viewpoint regarding reading.

Most of us consider reading as a pastime activity. We are never serious about it. If you maintain the same view, it will become difficult for you to find joy while reading.

Only when you realize that reading can benefit you and help you progress in life, your perspective will change. In that case, you will find joy while reading.

To achieve the same, you have to ensure that you are reading books in your industry or self-improvement books that can benefit you.

This simple tip will change your entire perspective regarding reading.

2. Make reading a habit

The best way to read with joy is to make a reading habit. For the same, you will have to try and read a book whenever possible.

If you’re sitting ideal for more than 5 minutes, you have to try and read a book.

At the start, this might be difficult to achieve. However, if you go with light books, it will certainly become easier for you to read.

Once you repeat this behavior quite a few times, it will become really easy for you to make reading a habit.

Once it is a habit, you will not have to worry about monotonous or boredom. Consequently, you can motivate yourself to read quite easily.

3. Start with topics you love

One of the main reasons people don’t like reading is that they directly opt for heavier or difficult to understand books.

If you want to find joy while reading, it is a much better idea to start the topics you love. Once you start with those topics, it will become really easy to complete the entire book.

Not only that, you will derive value enjoy from reading as well.

It is one of the primary reasons why you have to start with topics you love.

4. Set a goal

Another way you can derive joy from reading is to feel a sense of achievement when you complete a book. The best way is to set a goal.

The goal can be to complete a book within 10 days, or it can be to read 20 pages today.

Frankly speaking, keeping smaller goals like reading 20 pages today is always a good idea. In that case, daily, you will achieve a sense of joy.

Once you get a sense of achievement to enjoy reading daily, it will become easier for you to motivate yourself to read more.

5. Go through the context at the start

Ever saw a movie trailer and felt like watching the movie?

You can do the same for books as well. Rather than directly starting to read, it is a good idea to go through the book review or the book's synopsis.

Once you do so, you will get more context right at the start. After you get more context, you will, of course, feel like reading the book. In that case, you will be encouraged and curious to read.

That is why you can easily gain joy from reading rather than feel monotonous.

These are the five tips you have to follow if you want to read books with joy and do not force yourself to do so.

Can you motivate yourself to read something you don’t like?

Yes, you can motivate yourself to read something you don’t like. It is not as easy as reading a regular book, but it is certainly possible.

Many times, you might come across a book which you don’t like all. You might have to motivate yourself to read such a book. There are, however, a few tips that you can still use to motivate yourself to read such a book.

1. Set a deadline

The 1st thing which you can do is to set a deadline. Once you set a deadline, you will have psychological pressure to complete the book within the time.

Whether you like the book or not, you will be seven inclined to read the book within that time. It will automatically help you read a book whether you like it or not.

2. Skip a section

In many cases, it might so happen that you might not dislike the entire book. It might be a particular part of a section of the book which you might dislike. However, since you’re currently reading that, you might feel like you dislike the entire book.

The best solution is to skip that section.

Even though you will lose some knowledge or data shared in that section, you will be able to skim through the rest of the book quite easily. Once you skip that section, it will become really easy to complete the rest of the book.

The best way to do so is to look at the index of the book. Once you go through the chapter names, it is easy to understand which section you should skip and how you can progress.

It is another practical tip which can help you read a book which you don’t like.

3. Take it one page at a time

Another way in which you can read a book which you don’t like is to read a single page at a time. When you read a single page simultaneously, it will become easier to complete the book eventually.

No matter how boring you find the book to be or how much you dislike it, it will certainly become easy for you to complete it.

With the help of these three tips, you can read the most difficult-to-read books as well. These three tips might seem simple, but they work.

How to read without getting bored?

There are a few other tips as well which you can follow to read without getting bored. I will highlight these below.

1. Keep the purpose in mind

While reading the book, it is always a good idea to keep the reason why you’re reading the book in mind. When you keep the purpose in mind, it will become easier for you to go through the book without wasting any time. You won’t get bored as well since you have a purpose in mind.

It is one of the most effective ways to read without getting bored.

2. Reward yourself for reading

If you want to read without getting bored, you have to associate a positive feeling with reading. Rewarding yourself for reading a specific number of pages is one of the most effective ways to read consistently.

Whether you like the book or not or just for academic research, rewarding yourself will always encourage and motivate you. Not only that, when you experience the reward of getting the reward, you will not feel bored and after that as well. That is why reading certainly becomes easy.

3. Take breaks in between

Another tip which you can follow to avoid boredom is to take frequent breaks in between. You can take a break after every 15 minutes of reading. However, you have to ensure that the break is small, like that of 5 minutes.

Once you take breaks in between, it becomes easy for you to complete the book without getting bored.

4. Use visual cues

In case you’re reading a book that requires a lot of imagination, you have to use visual cues. With the help of your smartphone or your computer, you can get these visual cues. Searching the places in the book or the objects helps you get these visual cues easily.

Once you get these visual cues, reading will become much more entertaining for you.

With these four tips, you can read without getting bored.

As you can see, even if you don’t like reading, you can motivate yourself to read a book. With the help of my guide above, doing so is not only possible but also easy. Thus, the next time you’re struggling to read a book, follow my guide above.