
How Authors Write Books. How Long does It Take?

by Helen Ng on Oct 17, 2024

How Authors Write Books. How Long does It Take?

Do you plan to write a book someday?

If so, of course, you will be curious about the process of writing a book. Not only that, you will also want to know how long it can take you to write a book as well.

I will share with you the answers to all of these questions below.

Once you go through the article below, it will serve as a guide to writing a book.

How do authors write books?

Authors usually take a step-by-step approach to write a book which includes, deciding the topic of the book, setting a goal, setting up a specific time to write, writing at the same place daily, setting up overall word count limit, monitoring the progress weekly, getting feedback, hiring a proofreader, publishing the book and finally marketing it.

I will go into the details of these 10 steps below to ensure that you know how to get it done right.

How does the process of writing a book look like?

I will now go into the details of writing a book below.

1. Decide the topic of the book

First, you have to decide the topic of the book. Essentially, you have to write a one-sentence outline for the book.

Once you do so, you will explain the essence of the book in a single line. Only once the single line outline is ready can you move to the next step.

2. Set a goal

If you aim to just write a book, you will keep on procrastinating. In that case, you cannot complete it on time.

The way to avoid procrastination is to set a daily writing goal. It can be to write something as small as 300 words or as large as a couple of pages.

Only once you set a goal can you progress seamlessly to complete the book.

3. Set a specific time to write

Instead of just planning to write it any time of the day, you have to set aside a specific time daily. Once you do so, it will be easier to make time in your schedule for writing the book daily.

Soon enough, you will start writing daily. When that happens, your writing career becomes easy.

4. Write at the same place

It does not only make a habit of writing daily but also associating the right ambiance with writing as well. To do so, you have to write at the same place every day. It can be a simple table or chair, or it can be a garden. However, you should write at the same place daily.

The advantage of doing so is that you will automatically feel the need to write the next time you reach there. It will undoubtedly make it easy for you to write the book.

5. Set the overall limit as well

As I have highlighted above, it is necessary to set a daily writing goal. Additionally, you have to set the word count limit as well. That way, you will have the end goal ready. Once you have the end goal in sight, it becomes easier for you to complete the book.

I will share a few examples about the length of the books in different genres.

• An eBook can be around 20,000 words.

• A non-fiction book can be around 60,000 words.

• The longer and more researched non-fiction book can be up to 80,000 words.

• If you're writing a novel, it can be up to 100,000 words as well.

You might also wonder how long it takes to write a book.

You should expect to write for at least 4 months, but in most cases it might take even up to one year.

It all depends how long you write daily and how long the book will be.

6. Monitor your progress weekly

Instead of setting the goals, you have to monitor your progress weekly as well. That way, you will know right away whether you're on time or late.

In case you are running behind, you can devote more time to writing. That way, you will be able to meet your final deadline quickly.

All these are techniques through which you can stop procrastinating and finish your book.

7. Get feedback as early as possible

Instead of waiting to complete the book, you have to get feedback on your writing as soon as possible.

Even if you have completed a single chapter, it is advisable to get feedback from your spouse and close relatives.

It will ensure that you can improve your writing quality as you write your book. You need not worry about reuniting the entire book again.

You need to get feedback from your trusted advisors and well-wishers. Only then can you benefit from that feedback.

8. Hire a proofreader

It is advisable to hire a professional proofreader as well. Once you do so, it will be easier for you to keep the book on the topic. The proofreader will also edit your mistakes before you publish your book as well.

It will allow you to take something off your plate as well. That is why; you can solely focus on writing rather than proofreading yourself as well.

9. Publish your book

After your proofreader gives it a go, it is time to now publish the book. You can approach a publisher or self-publish it using Amazon's platform. The choice is yours.

10. Do not hesitate to market the book

Most authors think that after publishing the book, the work is over. They can now progress to writing another book.

However, in today's hypercompetitive world, it is not good enough.

You have to think about marketing your book as well.

You can use your social media channels and other online communities to promote your book. Only then can you expect your book to gain some traction.

With these ten simple tips, it will undoubtedly become easier for you to write your book.

I will now answer some of the other questions about writing a book.

Do authors write a book on paper or the computer?

The best way to write a longer book is to use a computer. However, you can write certain shorter pieces on pen and paper as well.

A lot also depends on the personal preference of the author. If the author is more accustomed to a pen and paper, he/she can go ahead with that. If the author is more accustomed to using a computer, they can write on the computer.

What format do authors use to write books?

Authors usually opt for 12 size font Times new Roman on their computer. They use the normal word document to write a book.

In case you need a few more tips to format your book, I will highlight those below.

1. Get the page size right

It is a good idea to go with the US standard size of the page. The exact dimensions are 8.5" x 11". You should not leave a lot of margin on either side. The margin should be only 1 inch on each side.

2. Get the alignment right:

You should set the document to the left alignment. Only then will it become easier for you to read in print.

3. Use page breaks to your advantage

Without page breaks, your book will seem like a wall of text.

However, whenever you're writing a new chapter, it is a good idea to use a page break to your advantage. It will ensure that you can make the book easier to read.

4. Do not forget to list the number of pages

Many times, readers remember their last read part with the help of the page number. Right from the start of writing, you have to insert page numbers at the bottom of your book as well.

Microsoft Word allows you to do so automatically.

Once you do so, you will not have to worry about keeping track of the pages.

5. Use the right file format

.Doc or .docx is the right file format. When you're saving your book's manuscript to send to the publisher or to upload them on the platform, it is a good idea to use this format.

It is one of the most widely used formats for manuscripts.

Once you follow these five tips for formatting your book, it will become easier for you to get the format. After that, you will not have to worry about editing the format at a later stage.

Do authors write their books themselves?

Most renowned authors write their books. However, it is not always the case.

Celebrities who are often famous and have little time hire ghostwriters to write their books. Ghostwriters give up their right to the text in the manuscript. Once they complete writing and are paid by the clients, they publish the book under their name.

However, in most cases, most authors write their books.

So, in case you're wondering how authors write the book, my guide above will certainly serve you well. You can know more about the entire process, and also if in the future you want to write a book, you can certainly do so.

My purpose with this article is to help budding writers understand how to go about the entire process of writing a book.